
Logo DGZfP

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Organising Committee

Markus Sause, University of Augsburg
Gerd Manthei, THM
Horst Trattnig, Vallen Systeme
Steffi Dehlau, DGZfP

International Scientific Committee

A. Anastasopoulos (Greece)
I. Baran (Poland)
A. Brunner (Switzerland)
A. Gallego (Spain)
N. Godin (France)
A. Jüngert (Germany)
T. Kek (Slovenia)
G. Lackner (Austria)
L. Norman (Sweden)
M. Sause (Germany)
L. Schubert (Germany)
H. Schubert (Germany)
E. Serris (France)
G. Manthei (Germany)
H. Trattnig (Germany)
T. Thenikl (Germany)
H. Vallen (Germany)
E. Verstrynge (Belgium)

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