General Terms and Conditions for Participants in Events of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZfP) e. V.

1. Entry into Effect of the Agreement, Acceptance

The decisive factor for the legal relationship between the participant of any event and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e. V. (hereinafter referred to as “DGZfP”) shall be the following General Terms and Conditions in connection with the registration form.
The registration shall be submitted via online-registration form on conference website. It shall be regarded as a binding contractual offer, to which the participant shall be bound until its acceptance or rejection by DGZfP. The agreement shall enter into effect by sending the e-mail with registration confirmation by DGZfP, which will be sent automatically after registration.
This also applies to registrations done via online-registration form during the event.
It shall not apply to any registrations effected personally by filling in a printed registration form during the event. The registration shall be considered as an agreement once it has been received by any employee. Any written confirmation shall not be required. Any legal entitlement to any acceptance shall not exist.

2. Terms of Payment

The participation fee shall become due in one single amount following invoicing by DGZfP. The invoice will be sent by e-mail together with the confirmation of registration. The invoices shall be paid within the specified payment term without deduction. The participation in any event shall be possible only after prior successful payment of the invoice amount. The tickets for access and use of services will be handed out to the participant on-site. For virtual events (including virtual participation in hybrid events), a personal access link will be sent to the e-mail address provided during registration a few days before the event begins.
If special prices are granted for reductions (e.g. for students), proper proof (student ID) must be provided before the start of the event.

3. Cancellation

Each confirmed registration is binding.
Cancellation of presence event/personal attendance:
Withdrawal shall be possible up to six (6) weeks prior to the start of the event, subject to a charge of 50% of the participation fee. Thereafter, the full participation fee shall become due. Instead of cancellation, participation can be transferred to a substitute person. Any withdrawals and rebookings to substitutes shall be communicated to DGZfP in writing.
Cancellation of virtual event/virtual participation:
Cancellation is possible up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the event, subject to a charge of 50% of the conference fee. After that the full participation fee is due. Instead of cancelling, the participation can be transferred to a substitute person. Cancellations and transfers to a substitute person must be notified in writing to DGZfP.

4. Additional Bookings

Any additional bookings (trips, additional tickets for evening events, tickets for accompanying persons, etc.) shall be subject to deviating withdrawal terms.
Any additional bookings may be reversed up to eight (8) weeks prior to the start of the meeting under deduction of a handling charge in the amount of 10% of the respective ticket price.
Any withdrawals made after this deadline shall be non-refundable.
Trips may be cancelled on the part of the event organiser up to the start of the event, provided that the required minimum number of participants has not been reached. In this case, the tickets shall be reimbursed after the event.

5. Postponement and Cancellation of Events

DGZfP shall be entitled to cancel or postpone the date of any events for good cause, in particular in case of any insufficient number of participants or cancellation and/or illness of the speakers. This shall be communicated to the participants without undue delay in writing or by e-mail. Any fees already paid shall be credited for participation in any other events or reimbursed. Any further claim for compensation for damages shall not exist, except for cases of intent or gross negligence. DGZfP reserves the right to provide equivalent replacement speakers. In this case, any claim for reimbursement of the event fees shall not exist.

6. Copyright and Rights of Use

In accordance with Sections 2 et seqq. German Copyright Act (Urheberrechtsgesetz), any event documentation and software shall be protected by copyright. Any rights, including rights of translation, reprint and reproduction of such documents or parts thereof shall be reserved by DGZfP or its partners. The copyrights regarding the individual contributions in the report volume shall be reserved by the respective authors. Every contribution shall be marked with one's own binding rights of use.

7. Picture material/photographs

The participants of the event irrevocably consent, free of charge, for all present and future media, that the organiser is entitled to create, reproduce, broadcast or have broadcast image and/or sound recordings of their person that go beyond the reproduction of a current event, as well as to use them in audiovisual media.

8. Liability

DGZfP shall only be liable for any damage caused by its employees through intent or gross negligence. Apart from that, any further liability on the part of DGZfP shall be excluded.
DGZfP shall not be liable for any damage resulting from any incorrect contents of the presentations and documents of the speakers of DGZfP events.

9. Consumer Arbitration

Consumers shall contact the following consumer arbitration service for dispute settlement:
Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V.

10. Data protection

Participants can generally visit the event website without leaving any personal data. Personal data is only collected if participants provide it of their own accord (e.g. when using website services such as purchasing tickets or registering at the event, sending a message about the website or registering as a user of the website). No personal data is collected beyond this.
The data of participants collected for an event (e.g. when purchasing tickets or registering at an event) is stored, modified and transmitted by the organiser exclusively for the fulfilment of its own business purposes. This is necessary for the performance of the contract (e.g. for controlling admission to the event).
By agreeing to these GTC, the participant declares:
I agree that my personal participant data may be stored by the organiser in machine-readable form and collected, used, processed and displayed on the list of participants of the event in a publicly accessible manner for everyone within the scope of the purpose of the organisation of the event. I can hide this directly on the participant overview after participant registration or revoke it by e-mail to the organiser at any time.
For more information on data protection, please see our privacy policy.

11. Final Provisions

Any oral arrangements shall apply only in case that they are confirmed in writing by DGZfP. The agreed place of fulfilment and place of jurisdiction shall be Berlin.
If individual provisions of the agreement are ineffective either in whole or in part or if the agreement contains any loophole, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or parts of such provisions. The ineffective or missing provisions shall be replaced by the respective statutory regulations.