
The EWGAE Awards: Adrian Pollock Award, Young Researcher Award, and EWGAE Student Paper Award are designed to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of acoustic emission. 

The Adrian Pollock Award 2024 of the EWGAE is presented to Prof. Nathalie Godin, INSA Lyon, France


Keynote on Thursday, 19 September, 08:30 h
From damage diagnosis to service life estimation by acoustic emission: interests, limitations and contribution of modelling, Details here.

Nathalie Godin is an Associate Professor at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Lyon (France) since 1996 and conducts research at MATEIS lab. She received her PhD degree from the University of Bordeaux in 1994 and her HDR (Habilitation to conduct researches), delivered by INSA of Lyon and the University Claude Bernard Lyon, in  2009. She has more than 25 years of experience in acoustic emission and its application for the analysis of damage in various classes of materials, in particular fiber-reinforced composites. The main topics of her research concern the durability of composite materials and the prediction of their fatigue lifetime under mechanical or thermomechanical tests with acoustic emission.  She has co-authored over 80 articles, 5 book chapters and 2 books. She has supervised 35 MSc students and 28 PhD students.


The EWGAE Young Researcher Award is aimed at recognizing outstanding contributions made by researchers who are in the early stages of their careers.

Finally, the EWGAE Student Paper Award is open to undergraduate and graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in acoustic emission and participate in the conference.

Application document

The submission of applications is closed. The recipients of these awards will be selected by a panel of experts in the field and will be announced during the conference. The awards ceremony will be held during the gala dinner. 

Prof. Dr. Markus Sause
Chair of the EWGAE Awards Committee